Breaking Objections; Why you Didn't get photos done | Chelsie Trendley Photography

Objections and overcoming them

Let’s talk about why you don’t get photos done.

I asked on Facebook why people do not get photos done, I want to help everyone overcome these reasons.

I want to be real and raw. So, I’m going to word vomit everywhere. Here we go!

This is part of my “why”, as in why I do this.

Body image: I got a lot of “I need to lose weight” or “I don’t like how I look in photos”

I’m going to shout this, I will shout this from roof tops one day. YOU ARE PERFECT, IMPERFECTIONS AND ALL, YOU ARE PERFECT EXACTLY HOW YOU ARE IN THIS MOMENT, TODAY, YESTERDAY AND TOMORROW, YOU ARE PERFECT AS YOU ARE.  Read this to yourself and let it soak in, because we all need to be a little nicer to ourselves, internally. So read this: “I am, perfect as I am. I am beautiful.”

Now I want to explain this to you, I grew up with 6 sisters. Yes 6, my family was the perfect chaotic mess, my parents never married each other, some siblings are half, some are through marriage, and some through divorce. I am an observer but I also bring to the table some wisdom and want to see changes internally through myself and others. Some of my sisters had body image issues because of themselves, some from others, some from media. But most of them were not confident in how they looked. This made me sad, I always wanted to grab them by their face and yell, YOU ARE PERFECT. I hated listening to them talk down about themselves. I want them to feel amazing, because they are. So are you. Whatever it is you bring to the table is perfect.

Busy and scheduling was the other answer I saw a lot of. We are all busy, kids or not, we all have crazy busy lives. One day you’re going to wake up and be retired and the grand kids are coming over for brunch and you must clean up and start cooking. Your kids show up and your grandkids run in and excitedly greet you with hugs and tales of what went on that week. Your kids are talking about vacationing this summer and you must google or whatever search engine is the thing in 40 years from now, photos of Hawaii because you don’t have any on your new age technology from when you were living on Oahu, and you never had family photos taken. The new age google machine shows sandy beaches and your memories flood in of when Sandra and John would splash each other and one would always go over board and the other would get mad, eventually things would calm down and they would be playing and laughing… do you see where I’m going with this? Those memories that fade over time, can be revived when you look at photos, try it right now. Look at an old photo and see what it brings back, I mean obviously, your newborn photos of yourself isn’t going to being back much.  So, while your life is busy and crazy and fully of everything that life brings, take a day, and I say day because after outfit planning (next on the list) it might take you a day to get everything together.

Outfits, this is my favorite, to help other people with! One saying I might say too much is the small stuff adds up, and it does. Outfits are like a puzzle to me. Finding the right things that coordinate, don’t clash, and don’t match too much. It’s fun! But I do keep it simple! My go to colors are creams, aqua, blush pinks, those always photograph well and look awesome on the beach and with the mountains in the background. BUT LET ME STOP YOU. I want this to look like you, outfits you would naturally wear and colors you love! So, I have an outfit I send out, you can use this to compare, get ideas, if you love forest green, find it on the list and see what colors compliment and go with that! Then feel free to send me a photo of all the outfits laid out together and I will tell you if something looks funky. OMG Outfits blog!

Money, this is a big one. And important. I will start with, I am not a cheap photographer. I buy the best gear, insure it, I continually educate myself. I print the best most high archival prints possible. So, the art work I offer reflects that. I also want a long term, so long term I want to one day pass this business on to one or all my children.  I do offer payment plans to help split up the cost. Some clients spend a few hundred some spend a few thousand, it really depends on what you want and what fits in your budget. I do not push sales, I’m very laid back when it comes to ordering, I want you to love everything you’re ordering and be comfortable with what you’re spending. Best thing to do is to book in advance and plan for what you want to order.

Posing, some of you said you felt awkward posing. This can happen. This is why I do my sessions a certain way. I start off with a very basic and nice pose and move to ques right away. I find this helps relax clients so I get natural smiles, laughing and looks. I could and might one day write a blog on the series of things I try to help relax people. Best advice here is don’t try to pose, just come and be your awesome self and I will help direct you!

Preconceived notions,
Whatever your hold back is, if you’re wanting photos done, get them done. Talk to your photographer! When I was in 4th grade, the photographer called me a blueberry because I wore this dark blue dress and blue socks with my sketchers tennis shoes. The dress was that soft looked sorta fuzzy and was a little itchy fabric, I LOVED that dress it looked awesome and was not too girly because I was a tomboy and wanted to run and jump and play soccer at recess, but when he called me a blueberry I wasn’t so sure of my outfit, I thought it looked good and my Mom had picked the socks to go with the dress. I never wanted to wear that dress again because another kid heard and teased me about it later. He said he couldn’t have a blueberry on his team for soccer. It took years for me to realize that none of that should have ever bothered me. Some of our worse notions are ones we let bother us. That photographer was just in a hurry and wanted me to smile. That kid probably didn’t have anything else to say or do to make him self stand out so he picked to pick on me. I let him win by letting it bother me. Drop the preconceived notion and be your awesome self and wear that favorite dress, just maybe without socks because you will probably be splashing ;)

There are a million reasons why to get photos, and really not a reason not to. Go for it!

Chelsie Trendley